Thursday, August 26, 2010

Better Day Today

Morning!! (on my way to work this morning)
So after feeling so horrible yesterday, after hubby got home from work, I lugged my bike into the back seat of the van and took off to a new bike trail about 5 miles from my house. This trail has been in the works for 10 yes, 10 years now and just opened 2 months ago. It runs through the woods in the deep suburbs by us and you can spot tons of wildlife at times. A friend of mine has seen 3 turkeys and our fox friend already (we have quite a few fox around). The kids were INSANE yesterday, like someone gave them an IV of red dye, so I was thankful to get the heck out of there!
I wasn't able to do the whole trail, since it was 7:20 when I arrived, and I was alone, I didn't want to ride after dark. It's scary even if you are close to home and know the area. The path is 4 miles long one way, and I decided I would ride to the 2.5 mile mark then turn around to get a good 5 mile ride in. I did just that,stopping a few times for pictures and water breaks and made it back to my car at 7:53, just as it was starting to get dark. It was so calming and relaxing and it was a perfect, not humid evening. The trail turns out is RIGHT around the block from where Courtneys cheer practice is. I could hear the girls yelling from where my car was parked (courtney didn't have practice last night, but other teams did) SO on the nights that hubby is home when it's time to leave for practice (which are FEW) I am going to drop her off, go run/walk or ride the trail and be done in time to get her 2 hours later. It will be so much easier then driving 20 mins to the gym and being stuck inside when our summer months are already so short.

My original goal, as I mentioned yestrerday was to run. For some reason, I am having a running mental block. I am scared. What is UP with that??? I think it's becuase I am SO afarid of hurting my heel more and not being able to walk after that I am blocking the running from happening. I need to work through this. I know I can and will, but mental blocks are MUCH harder to climb then pysical ones sometimes. Yes my heel is healing (LOL) but still have some problems with it. I can't soley bear any weight on just that foot w/o pain. Trying to balance in the shower on just that foot to shave the opposite leg is hard, and I feel the pain a ton then. I am going to have to go the pharmacy and see if they have any type of braces for your heels (???) that I can wear for the extra support.

Here are some trail pictures. Cell phone camera of course, so they are blurry.

When I got home yesterday, I thought I would do some shopping in my closet to see what bottoms were fitting. I was able to get into a pair of 22 jeans that I haven't fit into in 2 years. They are a wide leg and I love them! I am wearning them today.... Hang on I'll go get a picture.

Ok, so while trying on pants, I can't understand why clothes fit SO different. Why I button up a size 18 but not a 22?? Seriously yes, I was able to ZIPPER and BUTTON my goal jeans (Thanks BECKY!!) However there is NO way I could wear them in public yet, I had about 20 lbs of fat hanging over the top of them, but hey I zippered em right?? But yet a pair of black curdoury pants in a 22 I couldn't even get to BUTTON let a long ZIP! Geez! I am excited to eventually get into a 20 and 18, because I have SO many jeans in these sizes. I was an 18/20 forever until 3 years ago when I ballooned to where I am/was 8 months ago. I am slowly surely making my way there. Yes I've lost 30 lbs. But not much of that was from my waist belly area. Figures huh???
Ok, enough for now. Happy Hump day

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting your biking in, and getting into those pants!! My only advise to you as you start running is invest in a really good (yes expensive) pair of shoes, go to a store where they put you on the treadmill and tell you exactly if you pronate or how you land your stride etc...It's a big investment but will be good for you in the long run!
