Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Weigh In

Yet another gain. It is what it is. It's a small one, only about 4-5 ounces, but I am doing it to myself. I can't figure out why i can't get myself back into this. Is it really THAT easy to fall out of habit and things you know you really enjoy?? Seriously?
This time of year is just a challange in itself for me. It's getting close to back to school time. We have cheer practice every night from 6-8 (I get home from work at 5:15) and my hubby typicaly works long days and doens't get home until 7 or later. This makes it very hard to get the gym (my guys with sensory issues don't handle the day care part of the gym, or I'd take them with) once things get settled down it's after 9- the gym is open until 10:30, and once upon a time that is when I went. NOW I can't bring myself to do that when at 9pm all i really want to do is sleep!! I haven't ran since the race after vacation and my heal injury, which is still acting up. I did get to do some ST last night and minor cardio, but had to really PUSH to finish it. To get back on track, I know I need to start running again. It's what I really enjoy doing the most (outside of strength) and gives me my time alone. I am going back to basics. I am going to go back to the C25K program. start around week 4. I know I dont' HAVE to do this. I've run 9 races in 5 months time. BUT i feel like I need to start back up slow and really baby this heel of mine. My next race isn't until 09/25, and although I keep thinking I need to pick up one here and there, I am not going to. I am going to use my program, use the tools I've found over this 8 month journey and work my hardest. I am going to get past this. If it takes a month, fine. If It takes a week fine. I just know that I've come this far, and I can keep going. I WILL keep going. Just need to get back to the basics

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