Saturday, September 25, 2010

10 races in!!

I crossed a milestone this morning! I have now officially ran 9 5k's and 1 10k race! Since April I might add. That's an average of 2 races per month!! This one was extra special, as it benefited Niagara Hospice. They took such amazing care of us and my step father when he passed quickly from cancer 2 years ago. He is missed dearly everyday. 

SO I finished in 38:45 - which isn't a PR, BUT after BARLEY running for the past 6 weeks, I was pretty impressed when I turned that corner and saw 38 on the time clock! It was a nice course, that ran through 4 mile state park, in Youngstown, NY. It was nice to run by the all the families camping for the weekend and cheering you on. My heel is a bit sore after, but not unbearable. My mom actually walked the race with a good family friend of ours and both won medals for their age group! Mom finished in 57 something and karen in 1 hr 3 mins! Congrats to both of them too. We didn't get pictures (bummer) the best part of the whole thing was Colin (my 3 year old) running up and grabbing my hand just before the finish line and running with me. He was so cute and SO excited to run with mommy!! 

Tomorrow is yet another busy day. Apple picking with friends!! Ready for some fall fun! 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Run in

Skipped the rest of week 5 yesterday and moved right into week 6 day 1. It consists of

1 5 min run
1 8 min run
1 5 run
The first did I did w/o much problem, the second 5 min really killed me. I really think I need to redo the course I take, it's all uphill the last part, and I know that plays a huge factor in why I had trouble with the last part. Trying to find a route however near me that isn't uphill is hard to do! On top of running 2.5+ miles yesterday, I got a decent strenght training session in as well.
I am loving this fall weather and hoping to get a good run in tonight as well. I am hoping this has me back on track! I am feel ing better just thinking about doing it. I've been tracking my food today as well, which is something that I havent done in a few months. I am hoping this is the push I need to see results. I am actually looking forward to weigh in on wed!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to Basics

Starting over again. Back to simplicity. Yesterday I RAN. It's been just about 4 weeks since I've ran, and hurt my heel. I wanted to give it some time to heal, and while doing so, built up this horrible mental block,, that I just could NOT get past. It was killing me. So much so, that I figured if I can't run, why bother doing anything? THEN I noticed I was giving into EVERY craving I possibly could. I kept saying if I am not working out, why bother eating right (yea, I know dumb, dumb). THEN we went camping last weekend. We got home from camping and I weighed in at 250 WTF????? When we left for Colorado a month ago i was at 237!!!. Well on Offical weigh in day, I was at 242.4, which was only a 2 lb gain while on the camping trip. NOt too bad, and I am sure alot of water retention. And I was dehydrated. SO.. 3 days this week, Sitting at work I get all this motovation to go run. I know I need to just GO! Well, I can't when I sitting at work. So 5 hours later, I get the kids, make dinner, transport to cheer, go though school paperwork, get bathes done, bedtime done, it's now 9:30pm. Yep, no run for me. Nor do I want to go to the gym that late. So what do I do? Yep, sit there with a huge bowl of ice cream and wallow in my own pity. *sigh*

Yesterday I had enough. I NEED to do something. I've been lucky that in the month that I haven't been doing much that I only gained 5 lbs. But I know that 5 will turn into 25 very easily. It was a perfect evening. Got the kids, made dinner, ate, and handed over the kids to hubby and left. Got my running gear on, grabed my Ipod and went directly to the C25K program. What better way to get back into the swing of things. I jumped right in at Week 5 day 1. (3) 5 minute runs seperate by (2) 3 mintue walks. It was perfect. The one was patheticly easy. The second was hard, but I did it. The last was a killer, but I pushed and kept on going. I ended up coving 2.48 miles in the 34 mintues that I was gone. I was impressed. I am going to continue to use the C25K program until I am more comfortable out there again.I am determinded to get past this mental block. Having someone telling me what to do will hopefully help that. I didn't have any heel pain while I was running, but had some later that night and a ton this morning, Nothing that some motrin wasn't able to help me with. I'll live. I can walk, thats how I judge it. So this is my back to basics plan.
I will contiue to run at least 3x's per week, if not every other day.
I will start tracking my goals again.
I will start tracking my food again
I will start tracking my fitness again.
And the most important I will be mentally ready to run this race on the 25th and kick some butt for cancer and Hospice! I have a goal to work towards and darn it, I am going to do it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Give a Way

Ever wanted a fuel belt?? I know I've considered it. Well ~  Running Diva Mom is giving one away HERE - Check it out and enter! I personally would love the Kiwi Green/Black H20 belt! Good Luck!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weigh In

So I'll start by saying TOM is visiting. And I didn't try worth of crap to lose weight this week. Seriously I didn't. Sure I've watched what I've ate, but I also gave into each and every craving there was. I've been pretty laxed about my workout's too. It's been HOT here. 90+. I've done the trail a couple of time and I did one day of strength. That is IT. Pathetic I know. I haven't ran in almost 3 weeks, I am still fighting the mental block. However I still managed to lose 1lb! What the heck is up with that?? I am super thrilled to be back to 240, but quite suprised since I was all preped to see a 243 on that scale today.
I can't figure out what is going on with me. Maybe becuase I really can't even remember the last time I was smaller then 237, so my mind is content to stay where I am at? I am proud to have lost 30 lbs so I don't feel like I need to push anymore? I dont' know, but I don't know what has got me to this point where I am so stuck and lacking motovation. I need to get back to basics. I know ALOT of it has to do with how busy our schedule got the month of August. No I not using that as an excuse, but has become near impossible to make it to the gym during the week and working out at home at 9 at night, well personally I'd reather sleep! So yea, not doing so hot. I am glad I lost that one lb. I have no idea what I did to deserve it though. I have the SPARK book. I am going to go back to reading it. I am determinded in Sept to get my A$$ back in gear. To do good again and lose a good 3 lbs by the end of the month. And RUN darn it! Break the mental block Kym. I will, I just need to DO IT! My next race is the 25th and darn it, I will run at least 6 times before then. It's a small goal, but you know what I am going to make it a spark streak so I hold my self accouintable. It's what i need to push the block away!
In other news, we are going on a family camping trip this coming weekend! 3 days! We've NEVER taken the kids camping ever. I am excited and nervous about how it will turn out, but super excited at all the activies that are planned too!