Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2 weeks in a row I LOST??!!

Today was weigh in day. Although I always get excited for these days, I still dread them as well. After waiting for 6 weeks for that scale to move and a 2 lb loss {FINALLY} last week, I really didn't think I would lose this week. But I did! 2.2 lbs! The scale read 241.8. Do you see how close that is to the 30's???? 1.8 more lbs and I will be the weight I was when I went into the hospital to deliver Colin almost 3 years ago. I just never lost any of that weight and kept gaining. So I am really excited to break through that 240 #. It's my first real goal! So far a total loss of 23lbs

I also think I have officially gotten done with my size 24's. I am wearning most last years summer clothes that were too small, and they are 22's. They are still a little bit snug in the waist area, not too bad though, and it creates a bit of a muffin top, but I can pull them up, zip them, and button them and still breathe when I sit donw. I could't do that 8 months ago that is for sure. My tops I can for sure get away with 18/20 most of the time as well, which is really exiciting since I haven't worn that size in tops in 2 years! Not even last summer. I will be excited when I can fit in all the old clothes that I have stored in sizes 18 & 20, but in the mean time it's pretty exciting to be able to go to my closet and know that MOST things that are in it are going to fit me and I won't have to put on 6 different pants until I find one I get away with.

I have also decided to do the 10K on the 4th of July for SURE. I am scared and nervous, but excited as well. I've only done 4 miles one time so far. I am still pretty freaked out about running in the heat, but I'll get there. If I can get 5 miles done by that time, I'll be very happy. I can then save the last mile for the race if need be. I know I can finish it, even if I have to walk some of it. It just makes me happy to work up to something so wonderful! My next 5K is on June 6th, so just over a week away. I am excited for this one. And rather then a typical hot dog after meal party, we are having a pancake breakfast! YUMMY!! My favorite, I can NOT wait!

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