Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I ran ~ Thanks to motrin and Trish!

Sorry for the mega posting today!!

Thank YOU Trish ~ For inspiring me to restart the program (c25K) again and get back in it. I decided since I am having such a hard time with my legs being sore that If I went back and did some smaller weeks, I could work through it. So I popped a couple motrin and headed off to the gym. I did Week 4 which consists of 2 3min runs and 2 5min runs. I did them with no problem. Must have got there JUST in time for the motrin to kick in too. Someone made a comment on my personal blog that motrin is an athletes best friend, so It made me feel better to take it so often (thanks Mid life swimmer!) So I managed in 32 minutes to get 2.25 miles in and burn 386 calories (thank god since I had to burn off that shake a lunch! LOL) Doing the treadmill was for sure the best way for me to go. First off I can incline it, which always makes my legs much less sore when running and second, it's a softer landing then road running. SO for the next few runs, I'll do the gym and give my legs some much needed TLC.

After that I felt so great that I did a 31 minute fat burning elliptical session and burned 412 calories! LOL I was so proud. And THEN I still felt good, so I went and hit up the machines and got a TON of strength training in. And I really pushed it. I did alot of 60-75 lbs for my chest presses & deltoids etc. I was pretty proud. Each week I push the weight higher and higher. I know its working since my arms are STILL shaking!

Off to shower and enjoy a small bowl of fat free ice cream with hubs. I am so glad i am feeling better. Motrin, you are my new best friend!


  1. correction... I said ibuprofen not a certain brand :)but motrin does happen to be ibuprofen.

    I would use it and icing for 10 min at a time for 24 hours only after longer stressful workouts maybe once a week or so. You do not wanna push to the point of injury.

    Do you walk in water??? that is also easier on your joints.

  2. YAY for a great workout! and that is disgusting about that shake! wow!
