Friday, April 30, 2010


Yesterday I was determind to get to Yoga, for my first time ever. Thursday's is my usual low impact strength class from 7-8 and Zumba from 8-9. Yoga is from 9-9:45. It's not easy to even be gone for those 2 hours, since hubbys is home alone with the kiddos and bedtime in our house is a major 2 hour productions. I asked him if he would mind if I stayed for Yoga and not come home until after 10? He said ok. {Thank GOD for him, not only did he save my life when I was struggling with PPD, but he is great when I have to get to the gym so much at night} So off i went.
I'll start with my strength class. A few months ago I met a fellow sparker at my local Y and convinced her to join this class with me, so now every thursday we do both this and Zumba together. It's nice to have company. I was running late last night, so when I got there, just as everyone was setting up, she was happy to see me! I ended up in front of her, instead of next to her, beucase there were no other spots left. We usually share weights, since is usually a lb behind me, so between the two of us, we have about 6 sets of weights. When we started working on Biceps, I said I think I am going to try the 12lbers today. So she grabbed the 10lbers. While we were working, I was pushing through the pain and she stops and says, holy cow Kym, you should see your muscle defination in your arms when you going up and down! really?? Me?? Serioulsy?? I was so happy to hear this. MY arms are pretty large. so for her to SEE the defination when I was working, really motovated me! It was great too, becuase as I was starting to get tired, she kept pushing me from behing, telling me to keep going. It's so great having someone motovate you while your DOING it! I can't thank her enough.
Then was Zumba, which always kicks my butt. *whew* 1/2 way though I'd rather lay on the floor and take a nap! Toni has to leave at 8:30 to get her son from child watch (they close at 8:30) and more then once I thought about leaving when she did to go and relax until Yoga started. I didn't though. I pushed through. Not easy, I was exhausted!
9pm finally rolled around and Yoga came. Turns out the Yoga instructor is also my Zumba one, so that was pretty cool! Yoga kicked my butt. I never thought I would sweat my tush off doing it! Man!! LOL Some positoins I had a hard time getting my overly body into, but I did the best I could with what I had to work with. In the end I was so relaxed I wanted to stay on that floor and fall asleep.

Once a month our gym offers Spinning for beginers, it's a 45 min class and it's on the first sat of the month. Which would be tomorrow. Becky's (thanks becky!)really sparked my interest in trying one of these class out. So tomorrow is my only opportunity. My only barrier is that it starts at 7am, which means I need to be out of the house by 6:30am. I ONLY have issues with this, becuase A - I dont' get to sleep through the night to begin with thanks to Colin. B - Saturday is the only day I can usually sleep past 6:30. I guess I can bite the bullet and I just might. we'll see how the night goes. IF Colin wakes up more then 2 x's I 'll have to pass, it's hard to function with only 3-4 of sleep, let alone spin. Fingers are crossed for a peacful night tonight.

I just had a yummy white egg muffin melt from Subway, anyone try one yet?? Pretty tasty. Not bad for under 180 cals and only 5 grams of fat. And of couse I do subway for lunch on friday's too! LOL Rack up them points Kym!

Scale ~ I am NOT going to weigh in this weekend. It's getting to depressing for me. I did look today and was down, but won't record it, since it's an off day anyway. I joined the Biggest loser 13 challange and weigh in's for that is on Wednesdays, we start on May 5th, so I will hold off until then to do my next OFFICIAL weigh in. Hopefuly by then I"ll have broke that dreaded 20lb mark and can get the hungry girl cookbook for reward....!! speaking off, anyone suggest any one of them over the other????

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