Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Ok, onto new things. I went to the website to get my "offical" results from Saturday's race. I placed 166 out of 175 total runners and 9th out of 10 in my age group (30-34) And my offical time, which we already knew was 39:19. I really did have SO much fun doing this run and was SO SO SO very proud ( of Trish too, she's been by my side and ran her first race in MA the same day!) of how far I've come. I actually found another race next thursday night that i am trying to work into the scheudle. It's hard since it's a worknight, and I have to find sitters for the kiddo's etc. But other then that my next one isn't until May 8th and I'd really like to run one before then too. Of course, I have to see if it fits in the finances. $20 -$25 per race can add up quickly. So that's that like quirp.

My weight. I am getting really bummed about it. I know, I know, It will happen in time. It takes time, I know it. Really I do. BUT these 2-3 week plateaus kick my butt. really they do. I feel like I am so ready to give in and say screw it. I've been stuck at a 17 lb loss for almost 4 weeks now. I am DONE with it. I want to be at that 20 mark so freaking bad. How can I get off of this dam island I am stuck on??? Suggestions anyone?? I stay in my calorie range. I work out faithfully. I am getting better sleep (bribed the 2 year old to stay in bed for 2 nights now!) SO what is the probleM????? What am I doing wrong?? Yes, over the past 3 months I've lost inches and some weight. But I want MORE darn it! *sigh*
Ok, sorry for that vent. I just want to be down a clothes size. I want people to notice that i've lost SOMETHING. I want alot apparently.

Ok, I think that's it for now. It's not everything no, but it's enough compaling for a day, sorry!!


  1. Don't give up! I plateau'd for 7 weeks, I feel your pain! Try zig-zagging your calories or changing up your food. Try some new stuff. The weight will go, the scale will reflect your hard work. Never give up !

  2. PS. Great job on the race !!! I'm looking to enter my first 5K .. very nervous!

  3. I just keep changing it up when I get stuck.... mainly ad a couple hours of working out where I can if possible.
