Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This PAIN is horrible!

I was bound and determind to get out and run last night. I am almost craving it, which is pretty foregin to me :-). I tried though and failed and I am so upset. My legs are in SO much pain I just don't know what to do. Guess I should have took some motrin before I left, but I don't want to have to take meds each time I go and run either. I got to the end of my street and I felt the pain. My shin's and calve's are KILLING me. SO bad that because I had to favor them, my back began to act up. Ater having back surgery last year, I get pretty nervous when my I start to feel any type of "pain" in my back. Soreness I can live with. Pain, another story. I kept pushing through the walk though and every few mintues would "attempt" a run. Again, I couldn't do it. the pain in my legs is way too much. I was almost to tears by the time I got home. I ended up walking so very slow and I was even limping the pain was so bad. Does any one have ANY ideas on how to make this stop? Or what is causing it? I have really good expensive running sneakers so I don't think it's my footwear. I don't know what it is, but I am very bummed about it nonetheless. I got home, popped some Mortrin, took a shower and sat down, It hurt to stand. Within about 30-45 mins, the motrin kicked in and i was fine. It's so disappointing to me.

So, needless to say, I am going to skip the race I wanted to do next thursday and wait until the May 8th date. Apparently my body needs me to do that, so I"ll take the advice. I am however welcoming all comments and advice on how to get past this PLEASE!


  1. the shin splint part can get better walking backwards up hills

    and ibuprofen is an athletes best friend

  2. Thanks for the info on walking backwards. And knowing that we ALL require mortrin. LOL makes me feel better!

  3. putting ice on them immediately after you run will help too. (more of a prevention measure) I ice down my calves after a big run...just to make sure I don't end up in agony!
