Friday, April 16, 2010

Race in the morning!! Oh my!!

My first 5k. In about 12 hours. Oh boy. I am excited and nervous. Really wish the weather would be better for this though. It's supposed to SNOW tonight! yep you read that right. ugh. Tomorrow is supposed to be upper 30's with rain/snow mix and wind. Yuck. so not happy about that. I just hope I can find a way to stay warm and dry and make it through. I've drove the course a few times, so I am familiar with it. there are a few hills, which scares me. the worst one being RIGHT at the finish line! LOL so much for a strong finish when you have to run UP hill to get to the finish line.  So I am keeping my fingers crossed for positiveness!! LOL My mom, Hubby and daughter are all coming with to cheer me on. As I type this, we are sitting in the family room in front of the fireplace! with a FIRE roaring. how sad for the middle of April. It makes me look even more forward to the next race in May when it SHOULD be warm!

So my estimated time for tomorrow?? 54:37 that's my goal. Can't wait to see if I can do it!


  1. good luck!!!!

    keep your head warm and dry and your core and you should be good.
