Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 5 Day 3 ~ Take Two!!

And it was a breeze! I knew my anxiety was really affecting me friday night and that I didn't give the run my all at all, never mind having to stop a few times. So today is typically my Boxing and Zumba 2 hour classes, I waited until about 15 min into boxing for my partner to show, and she didn't, so I grabbed my Ipod from my locker and said I was going to give that darn run a try again. I didn't use the podcast, because I didn't want to here the times being told, I just used my music and knew each song was 3-4 min long, so once I got through so many, I could look at the clock again. I did my 5 min warm up, then ran, and ended up running until 26.08 on the clock! AND I started at 4.6 and went up to 4.9. I ran the last 10 min at 4.9. I never stopped at all the entire time, and felt SO much better after completing it! I am now very confident for Week 6 Day 1 tomorrow!

I know I can do this and am SO glad I took the time to redo it the way I know it needed to be done.

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