Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 6!

Ugh, so bummed I lost my pedometer at the gym! emoticon I didn't notice until I got home that it was missing. I am going to call the gym before I go to bed and have them look for it, otherwise, I'll have to look for a new one, I really liked tracking my steps everyday! I did look at it in the bathroom after I ran and i was up over 10,000 so that is good.

So Finished Day 1. I didn't do it as strong as I know that I could have, only becuase I did that 20 mintue yesterday and I was really feeling it when I started to run today! The first 5 min was nothing, the 8 min, I had to push through the last 3 min of it and the last one, I had to stop when only 1 minute was left, I was DONE! LOL I couldn't catch my breath and my legs were killing me. I am ok with it though. I did just over 2 miles. I am really unable to concentrate when I have to listen to him tell others to stop running I have to keep going etc. I think once i am past the short intervals, I'll just use my music for the longer ones. It's easier and goes by much faster for me. Tomorrow is my off day, and I am ready to run on Wednesday. I think I might us my music for that one too, since it's 2 10 min. runs, easy enough to track!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to catch up on your blog!!! I would love to be a runner as every runner I know loves it. It is like crack! LOL! Keep up the good work and what an inspiration you are to others!!!
